Our Beginner Class meets once a week for an hour and fifteen minutes in the state of the art
University of Iowa Campus Recreation & Wellness Center (CRWC) Natatorium.
The class is offered on Tuesdays from 5:00-6:15PM.
Beginner athletes should be comfortable swimming in deep water.
There are three main objectives of the class: (1) Having fun. (2) Developing core strength, flexibility, coordination, body awareness, acrobatic control, and balance. (3) Learning the basics of diving through tumbling, trampoline, dry board, and water training exercises.
The cost of the Beginner class is $150 per month.
Please see our Forms page for the necessary paperwork.
Our Intermediate Class is an invitation-only class that meets twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:00-6:30PM
in the University of Iowa Campus Recreation & Wellness Center (CRWC) Natatorium.
Intermediate athletes typically have some background in diving or gymnastics. The objectives of the class are: (1) Having fun. (2) Improving basic diving skills and working to acquire more advanced skills on dryland equipment, one-meter springboard, three-meter springboard, and platform.
The cost of the Intermediate class is $200 per month.
Please see our Forms page for the necessary paperwork.
Our Team is an invitation-only group that trains with the goal of preparing and perfecting a competitive diving list. Team members vary widely in both age and ability level. Our Team's competitions span from small local meets to national championships.